By film thickness measured , fourier transformed infrared spectrometer ( ftir ) analysis , x - ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( xps ) analysis and relative irradiance measurement , the effect of microwave input powers on deposition rates , f / c ratios , bonding configurations of ct - c : f films and the radicals in plasma originating from source gases dissociation is analyzed 由于微波功率的改变会导致等离子体中电子温度和等离子体密度发生变化,从而造成不同的源气体分解过程,结果微波功率的升高导致了薄膜沉积速率的提高、 f / c比的降低,同时也导致薄膜中cf和cf _ 3基团密度的降低,而保持cf _ 2基团密度接近常数。